The new 3S trader in Waru is formally open. Altogether Ready to Serve Tata's Customers in Surabaya. 

Surabaya, 26 February 2018 – PT Tata Motors Distribusi Indonesia (TMDI) – Tata Motors Official Distributor of Tata Motors in Indonesia, has formaly presented its new 3S (Sales, Service, Spare parts) trader accessory in Surabaya, PT. Aditi Aliansi Motor (Tata AAM). Tata AAM is arranged at Jl. Raya Waru No. 55, Sidoarjo, East Java. 

"Surabaya is a noteworthy city for Tata Motors. As a brand that has been working for pretty much 5 years in Indonesia, TMDI promote in East Java has been growing rapidly with this zone alone contributing 33% of TMDI's old news. With the new 3S shipper in Surabaya – Tata AAM, we are certain that Tata's customer organization will be progressed and Tata Motors bargains in Surabaya Jual Dump Truck Murah will be incredibly better," said Biswadev Sengupta, President Director of TMDI. 

Fredy Teguh Prasetyo, Director of PT Aditi Aliansi Motor said that they are centered around giving the best help to Tata Motors customer in Surabaya and flanking zones. "We are to a great degree sure about the pickups, truck and transports from Tata Motors and we are sure that these vehicles will settle the convenientce needs of business vehicle customers around there. Given the prerequisite for strong and eco-accommodating business vehicles with great after-bargains advantage, Tata AAM as a Tata Motors trader is best organized to offer that and essentially more," said Fredy. 

TMDI offers a broad assortment of Commercial Vehicles in Surabaya; Tata Ace EX2 700 cc (Mini Diesel Pick-Up), Tata Super Ace HT (Small size Pick-Up), Tata Xenon HD (Single Cabin Pick-Up), Tata Xenon XT (Double Cabin 4×4), Tata Ultra 1012 (Light Truck 6W), LPT 913 (Tipper) and Tata Prima (Tractor Heads) and last anyway not the scarcest, the mining and improvement truck named Tata Prima 2528.K. 

Tata Motors AAM Dealer 

Tata Motors AAM 3S Dealer is arranged at Jl. Raya Waru No. 55, Waru – Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Staying on a locale of 1.200 m2 with the showroom for Tata business vehicles in a bulding zone of 1.000 m2, outfitted with a passage and begging room. Then, the workshop has been outfitted with 3 general repair backs off for pickups and 1 back off for truck. There are 10 Tata AAM experts who are set up to serve the Tata customers. 

TMDI until the point that the moment that today has more than 300 Customer Touch Points containing 3S workplaces (Sales, Service, Spare parts), 1S (Sales) outlet, Tata Certified Workshops (TCW) and Spare Parts Shops transversely over Indonesia. 

All Tata Motors customers in Indonesia are ensured of an outstanding "Honest to goodness sentiments of tranquility" customer care program. This includes the best in-class ensure, guaranteed spare parts openness and 24 x 7 On Road Assistance. 

For pickup up and medium trucks Tata Motors gives an assurance of 3 yeras or 100,000 km whichever is earlier and for Tractor Heads and Heavy Dump Trucks the certification is for quite a while or 5,000 Hours or 100,000 km whichever is earlier. 

About Tata Motors 

Jual Dump Truck Murah - Tata Motors Limited, a USD 42 billion affiliation, is a primary overall auto maker of automobiles, utility vehicles, transports, trucks and opposition vehicles. As India's greatest auto association and part of the USD 100 billion Tata gathering, Tata Motors has exercises in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, South Africa, and Indonesia through a strong overall arrangement of 76 helper and accomplice associations, fusing Jaguar Land Rover in the UK and Tata Daewoo in South Korea. 

In India, Tata Motors has a cutting edge joint undertaking with Fiat. Involved with outlining and auto courses of action, with a consideration on future-status and a pipeline of tech-engaged things, Tata Motors is India's market pioneer in business vehicles and among the best in explorer vehicles with 9 million vehicles on Indian roads. 

The association's headway attempts are revolved around making auto progresses that are sensible and furthermore suited. With plan and R&D centers arranged in India, the UK, Italy and Korea, Tata Motors attempts to pioneer new things that fire the imaginative capacity of GenNext customers. Abroad, Tata automobiles, transports, and trucks are being displayed in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, South America, Australia, CIS, and Russia.

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